Our Mission

ETCIL’s mission  is to help people with disabilities achieve greater independence, self-sufficiency, and full participation in their communities. 

What We Do

Information and Referral
Comprehensive and up-to-date information on available resources for people with disabilities including areas of life such as:
• Employment
• Housing
• Transportation
• Rehabilitation Services
• Recreational Activities
• Financial & Legal Resources

Independent Living Skills and Services
Opportunities for people with varied disabilities to gain skills and resources to empower them to live more independently.
■ Individual & Group Training
■ Problem Solving, Decision Making
■ Communication Strategies
■ Money Management, Reading, Vocational and Relational Adjustment, and other consumer-directed subjects.

Information and assistance for people with disabilities and their families in accessing support systems, overcoming physical, social, financial, transportation, housing and cultural related barriers. Promoting
self-advocacy, and responsive community change to enhance equal access to the community.

Peer Support
Offers people with disabilities the opportunity to interact with their peers by sharing knowledge, experiences, and issues related to leisure resources, family issues, personal relationships, employment options,
transportation, education and community connection.

Transition Services
To help individuals navigate significant life transitions, including:
Relocation from a nursing facility or institutionalized
setting to community living;
• Helping individuals at risk of moving into nursing
facilities or institutions;
• Assisting young adults with transitioning from
high school to living independently.

Who We Are

East Texas Center for Independent Living
(ETCIL) is a private, community-based, non-residential, consumer-driven, non-profit corporation whose services are developed, directed, and delivered primarily by persons who have disabilities. ETCIL assists persons with various disabilities toward increasing personal self-determination, minimizing dependence upon others and engaging in community. 
Persons with a disability, their family members and supporters are eligible to access ETCIL activities, core services and programs.
Service Area
The blue highlighted counties below designate ETCIL’s 13 primary counties for the HHS Administration for Community Living (ACL) service
area. ETCIL also serves 9 additional counties for various other ETCIL programs. Please call 903-581-7542 for detailed information regarding services.
Core Service Area (in blue)                                   *Extended Service Area


Program Services

■ Home By Choice
Serving persons with disabilities, we provide community awareness of accessible housing, relocation assistance, and transition services.
Services are available to people of all ages with all types of significant disabilities currently residing in a skilled nursing facility.
Sign Language Interpreting Services
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires “equal access” for all persons with disabilities. Equal access may involve the right to a sign language interpreter to facilitate various communications upon the request of someone Deaf. Accommodations are required in medical, legal, employment, and educational settings wherein the service provider or business is responsible for providing a qualified interpreter.
Representative Payee
This service assists people with disabilities in managing monthly Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and other financial resources.
Skill Center
In addition to Independent Living Skills Training and Transition Youth Services, the Skill Center provides Vocational Rehabilitation Services,
professional counseling, community trainings and special events. A referral for Vocational Rehabilitation Services is needed from the
Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation (TWC-VR). Please call the Skill Center at 903-581-7542, Extension 108 for complete information.
Extended Service Area
ETCIL provides all core services in counties highlighted in blue. Core services are also provided to the counties marked with an asterisk *.
These services are provided on an appointment basis. The consumer may have to travel to the ETCIL facilities located in Tyler, Texas to receive
these services. Please call 903-581-7542 for detailed information.